Friday, March 4, 2016

It's time to toss !

This post just to remind myself that all my beauty products have expiration dates.

Today I toss away some of my lipstick, brush, eyeliner, and mascara. I notice it has become dry and super sticky.

*hiks problem wanita* Suka beli banyak tapi pakai cuma sedikit. Yang lama masih ada, dah beli lagi yang baru.

Like liquid foundation, if I found it has separated layer, I will immediately toss it away!

And at begining of this week, i did some online shopping *happyyy* 

Tip : keep makeup out of sunlight. UV rays can make your products spoil faster

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fanny,

    Currently I am doing a research about beauty blogger's influence in cosmetic buying intention in Indonesia for my thesis.
    It would be great if you can help me to fill in the questionnaire.

    Thank you in advance
